How to Fix Search Engine Template

Some of my templates use search engine form, you need to change it before it work. Here'is the tutorial to make your search engine working correctly

Login to Blogger, go to Edit HTML
Find this code :

<div id='footheader'>
<form action='' class='searchform'
<label class='floatl'>search:</label>
<input class='s floatl' name='q' type='text' value=''/>
<input class='searchsubmit floatr' type='submit' value=''/>

Change "YOURBLOGNAME" text with your blog name.
OK, Congrats.....

Edit Tabs Menu

here's tutorial to edit tabs menu from my templates:

- Login to blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
- Find this code :

<LI><A href=''><SPAN>Home</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href=''><SPAN>Blogger Hack</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='' target='_blank'><SPAN>Trik Blogging</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='' target='_blank'><SPAN>Ebook Box</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='' target='_blank'><SPAN>Free Ebook</SPAN></A></LI>

<LI><A href='' target='_blank'><SPAN>Free 3d Models</SPAN></A></LI>

- The red text is anchor text that display on the menu, and the yellow text is link of the menu. You can cange the anchor text and links to whatever you want.
- If you want to delete some of the menu, just delete it from this code <LI> until this code </LI> (Like the bold text).
- If you wanna add same menu, just add the code like the bold text and edit the red and yellow text.

Translate your blog

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Add this translation tool in the sidebar of your blog: